ELAG 2014: 13 & 14 juni Bath, UK

ELAG staat voor European Library Automation Group en hun jaarlijkse conferentie zal dit jaar van 10-13 juni plaatsvinden. Gastheer is de universiteit van Bath (UK). De voertaal is Engels.

Conference Theme: Lingering gold
We will be elaborating on last year's theme 'the Inside-out library', which was about the changes libraries are making when shifting focus from concentrating on the outside world to concentrating on what is special in our local community, and expose this to the outside world. We have to work on what we have within our libraries: what makes them distinctive, special and unique. Think local, act global.

Subthemes of the conference are: data management of local repositories and research dBeyond bibliographic dataata,LAM (Libraries, Archives, Museums), LAM (Libraries, Archives, Museums), Library User Support and Training, Special digital collections.

Call for papers: deadline 14/2/2014
Meer info, zie www.elag.org

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