Actie voor het behoud financiering Europeana

Vanaf 2015 wordt Europeana gefinancierd door de Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) van de Europese Commissie. Begin februari 2013 raakte echter bekend dat het budget voor dit programma gevoelig zal verminderd worden. Hierdoor komt de geplande structurele financiering van Europeana in het gedrang.

Met Europeana wil de Europese Unie zoveel mogelijk van het culturele erfgoed van de EU-landen gratis beschikbaar stellenEuropese online bibliotheek Europeana. Deze site biedt toegang tot meer dan twee miljoen culturele werken: schilderijen, films, boeken, kaarten, opnames, foto's en archiefdocumenten van nationale bibliotheken en culturele instellingen. Van alle 27 EU-landen zijn de belangrijkste culturele pronkstukken op te zoeken. Met het onderdeel ´Mijn Europeana´ kunt u uw favoriete onderdelen opslaan, tags plaatsen en inhoud delen met anderen.

LIBIS is technisch partner in het Europeana Inside project.  Samen met KU Leuven werkte LIBIS in het verleden reeds mee aan Europeana Photography, Europeana Cloud en Europeana Libraries.

Met de actie #AllezCulture-campagne roept Europeana daarom op tot steun, want anders dreigen alles inspanningen teniet gedaan te worden. Wat kan jij doen?

Allez culture!  Support the Europeana Project!

Unfortunately, the existence of Europeana as a source of discovery and inspiration for Europe’s newspapers and European culture as a whole is now under threat. This is because of a proposed 90% budget cut to the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), which funds Europeana.
Europeana and its related projects currently cost €30 million a year. The proposed new budget for the CEF is €1 billion. Competition for this funding comes from health, justice and safer internet programmes. If Europeana loses its funding, the hard work already put in to build Europeana into an innovative and unique resource will be lost.
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Europeana works with galleries, libraries, archives and museums in almost every European country to make knowledge and culture available online. We connect everyone in Europe with their shared history and heritage – 27 million books, pictures, films and recordings so far. Together, we’re pioneering new ways to engage people in culture through websites, apps, software and social media, through sharing our expertise, business models and code, and through services for education and tourism. If Europeana loses its funding, the hard work already put in to build Europeana into an innovative and unique resource will be lost.

LIBIS is technical partner for the Europeana Inside project. Together with KU Leuven, LIBIS was involved in several other Europeana projects : Europeana Photography, Europeana Cloud en Europeana Libraries

Read the leaflet (below) to learn more about how you can support Europeana. Share your cause by tweeting with the #AllezCulture hashtag. You can also join the Allez Culture group on Facebook

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