Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) - Annual Conference [1 - 3 November 2013, Bucharest]

This year, the National Network of Romanian Museums invited NEMO to hold its Annual Conference in Bucharest, Romania. From 1 - 3 November, representatives from European national museum organisations or other similar bodies, stakeholders from European cultural sectors and museum experts, will meet at the National Museum of Art of Romania and the Antipa Museum to discuss topics relevant to the European museum sector and to exchange ideas, expertise and experiences, to liaise and to network with their partners.

At this year’s conference, NEMO will focus on aspects that are closely connected with museums’ potential to build on the proximity to the audience:

The Digital Shift
What challenges and which opportunities come along with the digital shift for museums? How can they use ICT in order to connect people to their collections? How do they handle open questions, e.g. with regard to copyrights?  

Towards an Active Civil Society
What are the demands and the potential that museums have to help build on an active civil society that relies on reflective citizens, being aware of their rights and responsibilities?

The Future EU Culture Strategy 
What can the EU contribute to help the cultural sector – and in particular museums – serve their communities? How do museums fit into the EU’s strategy for culture?

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